Women and the Environment - Factsheet of EWL Beijing+20 Report
In December 2008, the EWL responded to the European Commission Consultation paper on the future of the area of justice, freedom and security. Their contribution to the consultation is gathered in a EWL report “From words to action” that comprises their key demands to the European Union and the Member States. The EWL’s factsheet about Women and the Environment is part of this report.
The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) responded to the European Commission Consultation paper on the future of the area of justice, freedom and security. The EWL has been closely following many of the policy areas that had been included in the consultation on the future of the area of freedom, security and justice, including: fundamental rights, trafficking, violence against women, political participation, immigration and asylum policies.
Read more:
The EWL article on the EC Consultation