EU Green Week 2016 : Investing for a Greener Future

Monday, 30 May 2016 to Friday, 3 June 2016
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Green Week 2016 will take place from 30 May to 3 June. Focusing on the theme "Investing for a greener future", it hopes to contribute to answering a broader question of how to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe.

Elements such as, for example, innovation for greener cities, sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems or the role of innovative instruments in mobilising adequate financing and 'blue growth' would naturally fit into the programme. To reflect this cross-cutting nature, each day of the Week will focus on different aspects of the main theme:

  • Monday: Investing for greener cities (official opening event in Ljubljana)
  • Tuesday: Investing in our countryside
  • Wednesday: Investments that make it happen (high level conference in Brussels)
  • Thursday: Investing in our oceans
  • Friday: Investing for future generations


What's new ?

Green Week 2016 has an ambition to become a truly participatory event, with a legacy lasting beyond its actual dates. It aspires to become a forum for stakeholders and citizens across Europe to engage and express their views or show examples of how today's investments can help the idea of a 'greener future' become a reality for the generations to come.

Therefore, in addition to the traditional high level conference in Brussels, a number of other events and actions in other Member States, as well as social media and online activities will be featured as an integral part of the Green Week, allowing for a large variety of organisations and actors to become involved as partners.


Get involved

Don't miss the chance; get involved as a Green Week partner! Ideas may range from organising an online debate, providing video material and stories suitable for social media, proposing speakers, organising a dedicated activity on the focus areas of one of the days' events, or especially linking an event or activity that you have already planned around that time with Green Week. If your event would be particularly relevant to the day's theme, it could be selected as a main partner event of the day and benefit from additional support and visibility.

Any event relevant to the theme and taking place in May and June 2016 can qualify. For more details: contact

The official Green Week website will be online soon.