conference Committee of the Regions

Y-Factor: where is [y]our future? Putting youth on the EU agenda

Jeudi, 5 Février 2015
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The Committee of the Regions (CoR) organizes a conference on future challenges regarding EU policies from the perspective of young EU citizens. Participants will discuss issues related to Jean-Claude Juncker's 10 point agenda and notably the lack of jobs and concerns about "Youth [Un]employment"; youth's disinterest in the EU politics; as well as young people's concerns about environmental degradation.

The conference is organized by the CoR trainees and targets mainly students, young leaders, CoR members, decision makers from the EU institutions and representatives of activist groups. The aim of the conference is to discuss and vote on proposals which will be presented to the European Commission afterwards. Thus, concrete proposals can be made by young people, directly reaching the new Commission.

Three panel sessions are organized on the main topics:

  1. Youth (un)employment
  2. Is the European Citizenship failing the youth?
  3. Sustainable Development and Growth - Can we do it?

The proposals prepared in the panels will be voted upon during the closing session.

Speakers participating in the panels and sessions include high-level representatives from European institutions, academia and civil society. A Commission official will be present in order to discuss the proposals.

Registrations are open until 4th February.


Committee of the Regions
