Conference "Housing Finance: Property Bubbles or Social & Ecological Resilience?"
Housing has been in the core of the financial crisis since its very beginning. The real estate bubble burst affecting the lives of millions of people across the globe. After six years of mainly failed political initiatives and measures to stabilize the situation, Housing Europe teams up with "Finance Watch" and invites all major stakeholders and decision makers in November, 5 (9am - 5pm) to Brussels for an international conference.
The event aims to explore the paths that may lead the housing finance from the bubble effect to resilience. How can the Euro-Zone Debt Crisis be turned into an Ecological and Social Recovery?
Event goals
- Evaluation of measures put in place to avoid a repeat of property bubbles that helped fuel the euro zone's debt crisis and the on-going fallout.
- Informing new MEPS on the opportunities they now have to help ensure that much needed finance is channelled into ensuring affordable access to energy efficient housing as part of the 'real' economy;
- Clarity on the role of affordable housing as an investment with high social, environmental and economic returns for public authorities and an ethical investment option for private investors;
- Discussing the approach to housing from the European Union
Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique (Royal Library of Belgium)
Boulevard de l'Empereur 4