Getting specific on the 2015 climate change agreement: suggestions for the legal text with an explanatory memorandum
Sebastian Oberthün, Antonio G. M. La Viña, and Jennifer Morgan published a new working paper for the World Resources Institute in May 2015, which contains analysis, findings and recommendations to influence the debates on climate change before the opening of the COP 21 held in Paris in december 2015.
The 21st Conference of the Parties will be the occasion for the participating governments to make concret engagements to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and accomplish a transition to a low-carbon and resilient economy.
For the last two years, the Agreement for Climate Transformation (ACT) Consortium organized meetings with climate experts and stakeholders representing different interests to discuss and share ideas on climate change.
This legal proposition is the result of the meetings. The document proposes an example in legal terms of what the COP 21 Agreement could look like. Its intented goal is to be used as a reference tool for decision-makers during the Summit.