Conference "Energy and digital mutations in Europe"

Wednesday, 25 November 2015
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Organised by Confrontations Europe in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), this conference will bring together 200 representatives of businesses, trade unions, regions, civil society organisations and universities to discuss the impact of energy and digital mutations on employment. It will be held at the EESC on November 25 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.  

This conference, to be opened by Georgios Dassis, EESC president (to be confirmed), will bring together more than 200 representatives of several European countries, in a dialogue with representatives of European and national institutions with the aim of exploring and discussing the following questions:

  • What impact (in quantitative and qualitative terms) are energy and digital mutations having on employment?
  • Are industrial relations systems (dialogue between economic and social actors) adapting to meet the challenges of these mutations?
  • What conditions must the overhaul of these systems meet if competitiveness and social cohesion are to be safeguarded?

Discussions will focus on both the Europe-wide picture and a comparison between six countries: France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and Sweden.



Register here: Conference Energy and digital mutations


EESC Room JDE 62
Rue Belliard 99