S.A.M.E WORLD: the project teaching environmental justice for decent lives
Long-term change requires education about new challenges, which fosters awareness, mobilisation and innovation. This is the core of the S.A.M.E WORLD project (Sustainability, Awareness, Mobilisation, Environment) gathering a great partnership of 13 different European associations and 12 European and International associates.
Climate disasters, wars, environmental migrants, COP21… recent news remind us of the impact our decisions have on the environment and people, as well as the necessity to take action to create a sustainable and fair future for all.
The S.A.M.E WORLD project aims to raise students and teachers’ awareness and critical understanding on the issues of environmental justice, climate change and environmental migrants and shows their interdependence.
Tools for environmental education
What you can find on the S.A.M.E WORLD website:
- A free online educational kit in 11 languages, with facts and figures about environmental justice.
- Free workshops in schools, offered across the EU by local partners.
- International seminars and events, as well as theatres plays organised across the EU.
- An on- and off-line blended courses for school teachers will be offered between 2017 and 2018.
Follow the project facebook and website to know more and support a #SameWorld for all!